Hebrews (Chapter 12a)

Join Beth Tikkun as we continue our study of Hebrews. In this study we consider the transformative power of the “wilderness” in the life of the believer. We analyzed the Hebrew word midbar and discover the message contained in its letters and numeric value.

This teaching’s study Resources:

Chapter 12a Visuals

Categories Apostolic Writings, Hebrews, Media | Tags: , , , | Posted on March 10, 2013

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1 Comment

  1. by Linda Lambert

    On March 13, 2013

    The teaching about the sword, and the number 2 I found fascinating
    . I was wondering, In Luke 22-38 right before Peters denial, Jesus told them to sell their cloak if needed and buy a sword, and they replied “we have 2 swords, I have always wondered about why this was put in there. It seems out of place. Jesus had just said all prophecy about him was about to be fulfilled, then he is curious about a sword?
    Do you think there is a connection? Thanks

    Great teaching, and I am glad you are feeling better……Kidney stones are painful!!! Linda

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